Interview with Fashion Influencer Kym Laird

I connected with Kym through social media. When I saw her IG content I was blown away. I love that fact that she is true to her brand and style. Some people would be a little taking back by her Gotham type style, however fashion is art and can be expression in every way.  That's why I couldn't wait to feature her on this month Style n Beauty series!!  Be inspire by her story.


      Q.  Tell us about your brand. I love your Instagram page and the name,  how did you get started?

A. Thank you so much! That means so much to me. My day job is as District Manager for line of upscale consignment shops in DC. I decided we needed to get the thriving DC fashion & social media scene involved with our stores, so we began hosting shopping events and meet and greets for some of our fave DC style bloggers.
Initially, I never thought I'd get sucked in! When I started reaching out to bloggers, I thought it would be better if I stepped up my Insta game. I un-privated my IG and started sharing my personal style. I got hooked! Almost immediately, I found "my people," other creative weirdos trying to make art in their spare time. When I "re-branded," I re-named the page Spooky.City to highlight my love of dark, post-goth fashion while highlighting that I get to live and work in amazing Washington D.C.

Q.  What was the influence or motivation behind creating your brand?
 A. DC is heavily saturated with fashion bloggers. (Many of whom I am a huge fan of!) But, immediately I knew I wanted to be "the black sheep." I wanted to show that you can be over 30, well-established, and still rock a very unique style - tattoos and piercings included. I wanted to show a less trend-oriented way to express style. Now, my shoots are getting more complex - with bigger themes and productions! Still, I try to highlight my love of the strange and unusual with more artistic and abstract leaning shoots.
Q. How important is it to have a mentor?
A. Though I don't consider myself as having a mentor, I have so many wonderful people who I am inspired by daily. I think being surrounded by positive, motivating and inspiring people is essential in building yourself creatively. I was shocked at how many awesome creators reached out to me on IG when I got started. For some reason, I thought the fashion/beauty world on IG would be exclusive and catty - but I've found just the opposite. Now, I'd say almost all my relationships are founded on mutual respect and the ability to inspire each other. I learn something new with every new connection and photo shoot.
Q.  How do you feel about how fashion is portrayed today?
A. Growing up as a 90's kid - when heroin chic reigned supreme - I think we are actually moving in the right direction. I manage a large staff of women in their early 20's and to hear them loving curves and wanting bigger thighs and whatnot - I honestly love it. It's the one thing I'll thank the Kardashians for.
Of course, everything is too extreme in the world of fashion. Now it's all about plastic surgery, huge lips, and 13-year-old girls looking 30. I'd like to see more realistic portrayals of what beauty looks like - all ages, sizes, and body types and styles.

Q.  What advice would you give someone wanting to pursue building their brand?
A. Don't overthink it. Don't get too obsessed. Be YOU! It's always tempting to buy followers or post what is getting the most likes out there. But even though it will take longer, staying true to yourself will get you real, genuine connections. I love that SO many of the folks I've worked with through Instagram are now my close friends in real life.

Q.  What's next for your brand?
A.  I was signed to Genesis Level models earlier this year (a huge shock for a short, over 30 year old woman.) I am currently working on to show more behind the scenes shots from sets I've done, and I am working on a few dream shoots. I have several ideas in the works where I am styling, shooting, and modeling - it's been hard work with my day job, but it's so much fun. I also hope to do recreations of some of my favorite inspirational films, such as Fight Club, Beetlejuice, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and any 90's movie starring Winona Ryder.



To connect with Kym Laird


Photos credits: red dress: @davementzer,  cemetery shot @ce_photogs.

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